January 4, 2000
These records were transcribed with the genealogy researcher in mind.
Herein you will find the deaths recorded from 1871 to 1908 from the first book that is kept in the vault in the Beacon Falls Town Clerks Office. These records contain the first records from the time the town was incorporated. Any earlier records will have to be researched in Bethany and or Oxford. It is to be understood that Oxford broke away from Derby ca.1795 and held onto the lower half of Beacon Falls on the east side of the Naugatuck river from Pinesbridge probably to Skokorat road. Around 1838 the people in this section petitioned to become a part of Bethany. Beacon Falls became a town in 1871, taking Cotton Hollow on the south side of Beacon Brook, to the north of the town from the town of Naugatuck; land to the east side of the river from Bethany; land from the west side of the river from Oxford; and a portion of the southern part of land from the town of Seymour.
“Seymour Past and Present” by Rev. Hollis A. Campbell, William C. Sharpe and Frank G. Bassett, contains many genealogies of residents in the area for the researcher. It is also to be noted that names were deciphered as best as possible but some of the handwriting was a little difficult to read. Where you see an asterisk (*) you will probably want to check the original record, it means that the persons name is there that gave the information, check the original. If you find any wrong spellings and can correct them please notify the Beacon Falls Historical Society at Box # 171 Beacon Falls CT. 06403 with the correct information.
The Pinesbridge Cemetery has also been transcribed for the researcher and you may contact the BFHS through the P.O. Box number with your queries addressed to the Genealogy and Cemetery Committee. It is hoped that the marriages for this time period will also be transcribed in the near future.
Good luck and good hunting!
Beverly Wilcox Krenesky